Wednesday 30 January 2013

The art of laying out concept art: Character Sheets

A short study to aid me both in technical skills and understanding.

Concept art for characters and creatures are always set out clear and concise, in able to aid the programmer/3D artists/director etc. of what the character model should look like. Every angle and little details should be included. Concept arts technical designs and layouts will vary if the character designed is for a game, a movie, an animation, a comic, etc. I will focus mostly on video games, so everything I've stated about detail is necessary. I'll be focusing on character sheets here, rather than illustrations.

Concept pieces for characters and environments differ, but I will most likely dabble into environment paintings/portraiture for final concept pieces for my project (to show my species' living in different environments)  Examples of characters in environments:

As part of Space Budgie - a new company trying to establish itself in Dundee - I plan to do concept art for an up-an-coming game from us, with the help of (hopefully) prototype. I'll upload them soon.

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