Friday 25 January 2013

Supervisor Meeting of Semester 2

From now on, me and 4 other fellow artists will be meeting with Robin Sloan on a weekly basis, Friday. I will probably not blog about it weekly, as I'm filling out weekly Supervisor Meeting sheets instead to keep on track. But I felt it appropriate to blog the first one :)

Agreed/talked about points:

Lit Review - The feedback is more important than the grade. Things can be bumped up! But I have to very carefully follow my feedback.
Dissertation - We can submit drafts to Robin more regularly, and I should take advantage of this.
Semester 2 - The course didn't start in January, it started in September. Remember all my previous research! Read this blog over and over.
My personal project direction - I felt that the transition from 'race' of cultures to 'interaction' of cultures was going to be scrapping everything. But in truth, I've learnt much from the past semester and it's still very relevant.
Critical Framework - I finally understand!! :)

Things to do for next Friday:

Critical Framework
Critical Criteria
Pipeline of work
Continue Story/Illustration studies
For blog: Personal style development

As I have a 48 hour Games Jam this weekend, updates will be slow this week.

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