Sunday 20 January 2013

DmC: Devil may Cry

Finally got to play this long awaited game! Filled with angels and demons, I knew it would be to my tastes and pretty relevant to my angel/demon religion  but what I've found most interesting so far about the game (still playing through) is the subtle mind-control techniques of demons, and how a simple visual trick (rotating the camera) reveals these messages to the player.

The game is only a few days old, so there's no clear examples to show exactly what I mean, so I've taken some screenshots from a Walkthrough on Youtube. You can see everyday signs such as "Fast food" and "Jackpot!" on the signs transit to "Gluttony is good" and "Spend". There's also "Submit to Debt", and in later missions in the game, especially one taking place in a drinks factory created to dumb and docile humans, the words "Stupidity", "Obesity" and "Poison".

I loved this subtle play of demon influences, and can relate it to my own demon creatures, Belphegor and Mammon.

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