Tuesday 1 January 2013

Symbols - Final pieces

My final images for 3 different symbol representations for Michael, the angel of war, justice and righteousness. They represent 3 different cultural influences, and are suppose to show/mean the same thing. I'm unsure if this is the final styles as I've yet to develop my styles for the cultures I'll create, but with this art case I've identified essentials to creating symbolic pieces that can convey a story/meaning/purpose, and will apply it in the future in connection to my research on communication between my fantasy species'. I feel like my basic-style technique colouring and ability to work under-stress have improved slightly, but also feel I still had a lack of time to improve my skills further. I think if I had created more thumbnails, I'd have maybe had more diversity and knowledge too. Now looking back on it too, I wish I expanded more on the Asia mood board, as I can see now I've stuck mostly to Japan and samurai's. Also wish I did more with the Africa one. Oh well, next time, I'll be more focused and time (hopefully)!

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