Saturday 26 January 2013

Revisal of Aim/Objectives/Project

Moving away from species/races > to cultures.

As 2nd semester rolls on, I've finally clicked things in my head of where I want to go with my project, dissertation, and digital illustrations. I focus so hard on species and races, and I started realizing this is not what I want to do. Instead, I want to focus on cultures and faith, rather than biological appearances.

I proposed the following to Robin:

"To create and show multiple characters showcasing a range of different cultures, religions and backgrounds neutrally and realistically, co-existing and interacting with one another suitable for a fantasy videogame."

to which he responded with:

"To examine cultural, religious and spiritual factors that impact on human appearance, and to embed this knowledge in the design of original characters for the fantasy genre"
Title - 'An investigation into culture, religion and spirituality in fantasy character design'

My reasons for this direction; all characters in video games that belong to one race (in this case from henceforth, human) look the same, dress the same way, believe in the same faith, and live in the same environment, believe in the same government system, etc. I personally believe this is stale and doesn't allow for individuality. This is not the case in reality. And fantasy is limitless.

Critical framework post will much clearly explain where my research will go from here.

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