Tuesday 12 February 2013

Critical Framework

Long overdue is my critical framework. I've been too worried to write my own, but after speaking with my academic tutor Robin this past Friday, I have a better understanding of what is expected from me. I'll iterate this post if I need to overtime.

Aim: "To design fantasy characters that will visually express themselves as an individual of different backgrounds and beliefs"
Objective: "To examine cultural, religious and spiritual factors that impact on human appearance, and to embed this knowledge in the design of original characters for the fantasy genre"

Areas of Study:

- Existing cultures, history and influences
- Cliches in fantasy character design
- Existing fantasy cultures in video games, and how their characters look/behave
- The notion of 'good' people and 'bad' people
- Angels/demons as deity figures in media
- Fashion

Critical areas of focus:

Zelda - real life religion and culture in a fantasy mix, controversially censored.
Ni no Kuni - Humans live in different environments with different monarchs, and abide by those fashions and culture.
Final Fantasy X - An example of hatred between different faiths. Extremes. No individuality.

Religion - Angels and Demons in media

Fashion - Cultural differences are always noticed, drawing inspiration from location, and history. Fashion is also seen as a statement, and can reflect ones personality, can tell a story (where is that person from, what kind of climate/environment do they live in) and can even reflect someones faith. How is this translated in a fantasy world? Can it be done better?

Appearance - People do not physically look the same. Other than fashion, we physically differ from one another in appearance due to background and race. This is often stereotypical in fantasy/sci-fi video games.

Visual representations of Critical Framework:

My Final Critical Framework:

  • The good/positive and/or evil/negative undertones towards a culture
  • Religions influence in the game, how do they affect the characters
  • Internal fantasy religion, how does that affect the characters
  • Influences of culture, religion and spirituality in the characters design/fashion
  • Symbols of identity in the culture
  • Stereotype or cliche

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