Thursday 14 February 2013

Week 22 - Final Pitch Feedback

Today was the final Pitch Week. I was unusually overly nervous for this presentation (I'm usually confident enough as a speaker...) but that shows some lack of faith in my current project ideals. In terms of feedback, the lectures confirmed what I was scared of. "It's still a bit blurry", "Needs tidying", "Not quite sure where exactly you're aiming for" "Very broad area"

It's at this point where I re-evaluate my religious works in conjunction with what I originally wanted to achieve  Do I want to focus on what religion and symbolism are, or do I want to focus on what is perceived as good and evil? "Anthropology" used by Robin struck a chord with me, and I realized how faith-centered my work is.

I need to show off more of my work. "Just get it out in the public!" I've been suggested to post work up in Whitespace and accept feedback from passerby's etc. I'm not 100% sure how to achieve this, as I work much better from home and wouldn't be around my area much, and I'm too shy to just post work up with a "Critique This!" sheet hanging from it... I need to think about this.

Areas to look at; Renaissance paintings, Hieronymus Bosch, Greek influences, separate my fashion and symbolism link into two separate areas, Anthropology(!!)

Positive feedback; Good progress, good to pursue advancing my digital painting skills (observing Renaissance paintings will improve this area too!), good to consider different areas of creating (e.g. character concept sheets should be laid out in a way others can understand it) and a stronger presentation as I have a better understanding now as opposed to previous semester.


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