Sunday 21 October 2012

Poltics/Religion/History - Guild Wars I & II (Humans & Charrs)

Guild Wars I & II (the relationship between Charrs and Humans)


Humans are of religion - They are devote to their 6 God's. Their faith is strong even in the absence of the human Gods.

Their government is one of monarchy. Queen Jennah is loved by the people (for having an egalitarian rule/promotes equality) but has a rocky relationship with the other nobles who disagree with this rule. Humans are rich in different cultures due to separation of time and distance, unlike the other races available in the world of Tyria. Humans have social circles and issues of poor and rich. Humans once ruled most of the (continent) Tyria. Over the year, their numbers have declined. Many other races view Humans to be a doomed race, but strong willed to keep their spirits high and to keep fighting.


Charrs acknowledge the human God's but do not think they are worth worshiping.  They view them as a challenge/fight/to kill that power. They live with 4 Legions of Ash, Blood, Iron and Fire. Fire shaman's were once regarded as the highest power of Charrs for their magic abilities and task of protecting fire torches in temples as a sign of worship to the fire God. However this balance has shifted, with Charrs now disregarding the God of fire, and the Fire Legion now mockingly called the Gold Legion is the weakest outcasts, and at Civil War with the other Legions.

The government is of kratocratic oligarchy. They live military style lives, war drives them, and they view all living creatures with a harsh eye, where the weak are worthless. The government is a chain of power. No one is crowned the current Khan-Ur, as no one holds the artificat, and instead the 4 Legions of Charrs are divided with 4 leaders, with more structures within the Legions.

Human and Charr Relations

Since the introduction of humans, charrs relations have not been good. Humans drove out the Charr inhabitants of Ascalon during their spread amongst Tyria, and had been defending it for roughly 250 years, during a bloody time of war between the two. 'The Searing' came first putting the humans at a major disadvantage in the war, and the 'Foefire' spell cast by the human King Adelbern was 20 years later, and was the final spell to end the Ascalon Wars, in a desperate act. The Charr reclaimed their original land, which was once grand and full of life and humans.

Despite being enemies, there have been subtle hints of truce and friendly helping. Although the two races never interact outside of war relations, there have been individual humans and charrs that have set about examples of temporary alliance to achieve something greater, such as defending Tyria or defeating a greater power.

Individuals with significant roles (Guild Wars I only) : 

King Adelbern (Clashed with the Claw holder, the last spell 'Foefire' was dealt was a result)
x Prince Rurik (Son of Adelburn, lead the Ascalon Vangard)
x Queen Jennah (Human queen who took the first steps towards the truce)
x Pyre Fierceshot (rebellion of Chaar Flame Legion)
x Bonfaaz Burntfur (The Charr leader in the Ascalon assault)

Some references:

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