Monday 22 October 2012

A Step Back

After a meeting with Ryan today, I've found myself doing far too much in depth research into politics and religion in social circles. Today has been a good reminder to start focusing more on colours, compositions, settings, shapes of these characters I'm studying rather than focusing on the narrative too heavily. I'm certain my research will help me later when I'm trying to bring these characters to life and add them backstory, but for now, I should focus my research more on the look and feel of the characters and faces, rather than the interactions they're having.

I'm really glad I had the meeting today; I almost forgot I was doing an arts project!

I will be continuing my media tests, and my list of games, tv shows and movies, but start looking at the characters and surroundings, rather than their relations.

Next steps:
- Research human cultures (clothes, environments, faiths, perception of others)
- Research games/characters made by different cultures and compare them (e.g Japan to USA)

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