Sunday 14 October 2012

Beliefs/Religion/Spiritual - Star Trek: The Original Series - Plato's Stepchildren s3ep10

Wrongly cited as the first inter-racial kiss on television (between Captian Kirk and Uhura), but my main interest was the culture of the Platonians. Humanoids who live on an Earth-esque planet which resembles Ancient Greece. The Platonians are said to follow the ancient civilization and named themselves after the philosophers Socrates and Plato.

However the entire episode shows how the small number race betray Plato's beliefs. An unfair system of telekinesis power, rather than of monarch/principality rules.

If they truly valued Plato's insights, why was justice so misplaced? Why did the Platonians culture have very little in common with treating guests in a Greek culture? This is a great example of a corrupt government.
"Don't save him. Let him die. The others will all kill each other trying to take his place."
-Alexander, about Parmen

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