Friday 12 October 2012

Inter-racial Politics and Relations - Hellboy II: The Golden Army

The royal family are Elf. The king Balor is ruler of Elfland, and all bethmoran (fantasy creatures). Conflict amongst the elves...The king was a great warrior and sympathetic during the war. Princess Nuala does not mind her people to fade away quietly if it upholds treaty peace. Prince Nuada however wants recognition and war, and pride for his hiding clan. All of the environments for the fantasy creatures are man-made. Such as a butchers, mechanical things, sewers. This is one of the conflict points for the Prince, a reason for him to fight/start war.
The Elf's feelings for the humans all vary. The King respects the peace treaty but thinks of humans as a destructive race (find source/research more). Princess also respects the peace treaty, but her feelings towards humans are unknown. The Prince does not respect or care for humans. He is focused on ridding the world of humans.
History of the conflict: It was a time of peace. The humans are the ones who begun the wars, by trying to claim the forests of fantasy creatures. Humans were winning the war until King Balor regretably (and convinced by his son) created the Golden Army, who with no remorse, slaughtered more humans than the fantasy creatures slain. Rather than taking it as a victory, he sympathized with humans and was the one to offer the treaty.
"He wanted to create a world that was very rich, very textural so you could come back more than once and still see more detail going on in the background.”
- Eamonn Butler, on Guillermo Del Toro’s designs for Hellboy II

Some sources:

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