Friday 5 October 2012

Definitions and Perception

After my most recent meeting with Lynn, I've realized my definition for certain art forms is a bit skewered. The more and more I describe what 'illustration' and 'concept art' is, the more I started to question myself. In order to clear out my jellyfish, I've compared my own opinion of illustration:

A piece of final art used to 'wow' people, tell them a story, or make them want to purchase it's related product.
 And concept art:

The process of research and development to create a final item.
 So I naturally assume, I could merge the two. A start point and end product.

 Not exactly the case, and I've been abusing the word illustration. I simply mean an awe-inspiring digital painting as apposed to creating a marketable product. Concept art also doesn't need to be part of this process, as it contributes to areas not necessary needed for a painting.

So finally - I've determined 'illustration/digital painting' will NOT be a large part of my project (still in there though!), and so my jellyfish shrinks.

I will still be continuing with an illustrative piece of study to demonstrate my skills and as a learning experience :)

06/10/2012 Edit - Was lucky enough to interview two Illustration students at DoJ. I asked what illustration meant to them, and we surprised one another with our answers.

Illustration to me is being able to show something about yourself through an art medium. We can tell an original story with our own individual and unique twists.

We even got to talk about the link between concept art and illustration. It was lovely to get a fresh perspective.

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