Tuesday 2 October 2012

Skills/knowledge development planning! (Personal Improvement List)

Just want to clearly post this, mostly for me, but also as an idea of what I hope to achieve.

Things I want to personally improve and concentrate on through out 4th year. I hope by studying and refining my skills, I'll improve as an observer and artist, and convey better my understandings and research in visual form.

Listy List:

Software: Photoshop - My primary software for digital art. I'm certain as the year goes on I'll become more familiar with it, and will push myself to use unfamiliar tools to me as to create new interesting accidents and improve!
Life drawing - To practice full bodies, in motion, stationary, need to understand proportions and perspective, muscles
Individual anatomy/weak points - Hands, lips, feet, male muscles, legs/thighs, wrists, etc.
Perspective - In reference to life drawing. I am too comfortable with flat 2D anime perspective. Going to challenge myself with new angles.
Poses - Fits all of the above, again, very comfortable with the same repetitive poses. Will practice poses with silhouetting for character design!
Character Concept Design - This one I'm very excited for. Tutorials online showing step-by-steps to create a character the "right way" e.g silhouetting, research, development, story, personality, etc.
Staging - Crucial to telling a story, illustration/marketing, evoking emotion, bringing life/connection to a visual piece.
Colour & Light - Correct uses, harmony/contrast, evoking emotion.
Style - I have a style of 2D cartoony-anime. I want to refine it, evolve it, and better it/myself. I love and am not ashamed of my anime style of art, but always love to mix it up and make it more realistic/beautiful, and try to stay away from the generic "big eyes, blush lines, slender bodies" stereotypical anime styles. I opt for the more realistic styles. :)

I'll add as I think of more!

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