Sunday 10 March 2013

My fantasy towns and faiths names...

A post to clear up confusing language I use. I say culture and faith often, but need to give them names so I can better communicate what I mean sometimes... :)

Seaside - Marisea Town 
Resident is called a Mermarian. Religious individual called Angelo-Mermarian.

Desert - Acconagros City
Resident is called an Acconian. Religious individual called Angelo-Acconian.

Forest - Terra-Feuille Village
Resident is called a Feuillian. Religious indivdual called Angelo-Feuillian.

The Religion - Angelolity - Worship of the angels, to believe they are higher beings who created and govern the world they live on. Faithful are called Angelolian.

I will probably iterate this post often.

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