Wednesday 6 March 2013

Personal Development: Pose and Sketch

This week I've been focusing on my technical skills while sketching. I've started a new sketchbook for creating fantasy characters for my world, and I try to use reference for 90% of my drawings. It's amazing how much of a difference it can make; poses get interesting, the characters gain a sense of attitude/life, and most importantly, every time I draw from I learn something new. A twist in the muscle I didn't know, how certain muscles actually sit, subtle changes made with tension, etc.

Photos of afew sketches from my sketchbook from this week, don't mind the quality please!:

Digital painting I've been working on. Again, 3 - 4 references used, one being posemaniacs. Created it in a day and a half, uploaded it to my Facebook and received some great feedback, so worked on it further. It's now at a level I'm happy with:

 facebook uploaded version (above) final iterations and feedback version (below)

Next steps: Focus on producing work relevant to the project...Crit Week presentation ready...

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