Monday 11 March 2013

Indepth Marisea Town

Following my last post with sketches of Mermarians, I got prompted by fellow Computer Artist Robin with some questions I really didn't have answers too. "How do they dye their clothes?" "Where did they get the wetsuits from?" "Colour scheme; Are there predators?" And the fact that I was so stumped showed how weak my current concepts are.

Following our conversation, I turned to my notes from my mentor meeting last week with Robin Sloan, and he had told me to begin researching secular, cultural anthropology, and tribes. From here, I realized I had made a mistake with my current concepts; they were based off of existing fantasy media, rather than influenced by real life close-enough scenarios.

Today, I researched areas of religion/faith which worships the land. I narrowed the broad area down to Pantheism, Wildlife Totemization and Neopaganism. I also believe deeper Cultural and Social Anthropology studies will benefit me greatly when discussing my project in my dissertation.

Here are ares I've looked at today for my Mermarians. There will be many many more days of research into existing tribal and secluded cultures to see how things work:

And I can now answer those questions, Robin G! Sea silk! :)

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