Wednesday 26 December 2012

Religion in Video Games

Do video games spend too much time emphasizing the violent aspects of religion? Some thought provoking reads to relate to my own religious class for my fantasy world:

"What all of these games show, and what should have been anticipated, was the connection of religion to violence. "

"...religious groups seem to frequently serve as gamers’ adversaries, and who hasn't played a JRPG in which you have to kill God? — this study is far too limited to make any reasonable conclusions about the nature of religion in games. You could write an entire thesis paper about the religious overtones in titles like Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor or mythology-packed action games like God of War or Dante’s Inferno. It seems unfair to judge the entire medium based on a selection of five modern titles."

"In a recent sermon the Pastor makes this point: in the media most people of religion are represented as being either violent, hypocritical, mentally weak, suspicious, deviant, or as bare faced liars.
Despite being an atheist I actually believe that the representation of religion and religious people in the media is, in general, pretty one-sided and negative. I think video games as a medium is simply following in those same footsteps."

"A game doesn't have to feature religious conflict to have religious content."

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