Friday 7 December 2012

Politics/Law/Religion with different racial groups?

A keen area of research I have been exploring and processing into this blog post the last few days is how different fantasy character species interact with one another, and to hopefully incorporate that into my character design in the future. One of the main questions in my jellyfish is:

Why is a sense of identity or humulity missing from fantasy characters/races? (e.g. All orcs and trolls are bad. What if a select few trolls were good? Why are they all bad? What if it befriended an enemy species?) How would two conflicting/similar/alien races interact? What politics are involved with such fantasy settings? 

Unsure whether to drop this, refine it better and revisit it in the future?

For certain, I will need a political agenda for all of my fantasy races, and I already have a religious complex set up which will serve as a "law" to some of the more faithful species. Of course, I want to avoid ALL of one race worshipping, as not to lump them/make them indistinguishable as individuals...

Things to look at more indepth in the future :) Will probably take a case study or two!

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