Monday 1 April 2013

Research and development sketches

After some focus on research, I found that I moved from "dessert environments and tribes" to looking at specifically Persian and Middle Eastern designs and I found things clicking together. I also failed to mention in my last post; of my 3 cultures, I think my desert culture will be the most civilized. My fantasy cultures incorporate real situations, and historically in the Middle East was one of the first civilizations of the World. Therefore, the Mermarians and Feuillian inhabitants will look more messy, natural and indigenous than the Acconians, whom I want standing tall, clean and dressed well.

I kept the blue theme of the Tuareg tribe in my final design, and decided to make the heel like this:

After looking at existing tribes, I looked at and compiled a mood board of some designs existing on video games to incorporated:

After I had a clear idea, I started a couple more sketches before I moved on to the final design:

I'm just touching up the final designs the now, and will post them next!

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