Tuesday 13 November 2012

Personal Development - Grey to Colour

Commonly used way to colour in Photoshop by professionals; greyscale to colour. Pros: To get all the shade values and lighting correct on the final piece without having to worry about using the 'wrong colour' (or a colour palette that does not mix well) in the picture e.g. deep browns and oranges on skin as a tone. Every thing is constant.

Con: Personally found it hard to colour on top of grey even with layers. This might be my own technical skills being limited. When colouring on top, I wanted to go further, and instead of altering the grey I started trying to add different hues for skin (later deleted). Again, colouring hair was hard to differentiate from skin due to flat grey layers. I found it messy.

May produce more sketches or works like this in grey to colour to practise tone.

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