Thursday 8 November 2012

Crit Week - Reflection

Week 8 marks Crit Week. I presented my recent media tests, results, and my exploration and portrayal of angels. I also briefly discussed how I wanted to go down the concept art route, my step back from in-depth story-telling, and what I plan to do next.

On the recommendation of Ryan, I've just ordered Paradise Lost by John Milton, looks like a fantastic read on angel-ness :)

Other feedback included was Lynn's concern for a missing link between my research and art. I need to demonstrate clearer my link between story and art. What is the connection?

I've decided to try start attending life drawing classes to improve my anatomy, as well as reading up in angels in the video game series Diablo.

Next on my blog will be a summery to my angel research, and how I might be able to place them in my Universe in the future. Things to think about are angels (and demons) hierarchy, powers, and how they'll be reacted to by my different species inhabitants.

Busy times ahead!

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