Thursday 7 March 2013

Environment and Culture: Mood boards

As seen from my last update, I've been looking at clothes and faith, but feel like my sketches are going no where, and are story-less. And they sort of are. So this blog post is dedicated to some research into the kinds of environments my faithful characters will be living and worshiping in...

I want to showcase 6 different characters for my final project. 3 different environments, that encompass 2 different faithful groups in one culture. e.g. One faithful group will worship the Angels, while the other, the land/environment they live on. I will be focusing on Forest, Dessert and Ocean environments.

Forest Moodboard:

Desert Moodboard:

Ocean Moodboard:

As I was compiling these mood boards and looking into towns/cities, I decided to keep forestry (over a village), ocean to a seaside (at first I was thinking remote island, now I'm thinking seaside/beach/fishing town) and a desert city with some water source and interesting building shapes with a new colour palette.

Next: Practice-based research/development/sketching & Colour Palette

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